Mansfield, OH (December 19, 2022) – GOAL Digital Academy is excited to release our 2021- 2022 Annual Report. This year’s report highlights information regarding who we are, including our board, team, and learning labs, our accomplishments, events, statistical information, and student and family engagement activities. To read about our success in the 2021-2022 school year, you can access the report here:
Areas that we would like to highlight include:
Operations and Technology Updates
• Updating learning labs, Mansfield, Marion, Cardington, and Galion
• Lab-specific Safety Training
• Improving Cybersecurity
• New Hardware: Computers, printers, software, iPads, and accessories
• PBIS program to promote school safety and good behavior
• SAP program to support mental health and connect students to resources
• OEC Monitoring to review and monitor SPED Data
• Foster Care & Homelessness support
Curriculum & Student Engagement
• Updates and improvements to our standards-aligned curriculum
• Updates to Live Learning, office hours, clubs, and online activities to promote socialization
• Continuing Family Engagement events at learning labs
• Reorganization of the orientation process to make it more family-friendly.
• Expanding the Summer Enrichment Program
• Expanding our Mentorship Program
• Rise Up Career Tech Program
Staff Accolades
• Launch the "Grow Your Own Program"
• New Hires
• Marketing Strides in Social Media, Press Releases, and engagement tools