Mansfield, OH (March 25, 2022) - To help establish a foundation of proactive behavior and academic outcomes across the GOAL Digital Academy student population, the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team has launched an initiative school-wide to engage students at all academic levels. GOAL has recently re-focused on PBIS as a result of two influences: response to the ODE Special Education Department’s emphasis on PBIS for all special education students, and in response to being awarded an Ohio School Wellness Initiative Pilot School Grant which emphasizes the continuance of PBIS Tier One supports and development of Tier Two supports.
GOAL Digital Academy has a long history of using Tier One supports as part of its state-mandated PBIS Program. Tier One supports are those that are available to every enrolled student and their families. Current incentives include “GOAL Gear” (T-shirts, hoodies, sweats, hats, gloves, backpacks, and water bottles) for assignment and attendance completion, year-long lab events, clubs, group work, online office hours, live lessons, and virtual sessions for academics, guidance, mentoring, and therapy.
The PBIS team has been created to guide, plan, and implement additional efforts and is built from a unique team of staff members that have experience in various school disciplines. GOAL’s theme and slogan “Be Kind, Be Engaged, Take Action” will be echoed throughout the marketing strategy and encourage students to choose integrity in everything they do by making smart choices, working hard, and doing the right thing, no matter what. The staff has been educated on the initiative and each learning lab has been provided with posters, implementation videos for online and in-person use, and bracelets with the tag slogan have been distributed for staff members to give out when they have observed a student engaging in positive behaviors.
The team has implemented a “Student of the Month Program” in which students are recognized in three grade bands, elementary, middle school, and high school for behavioral achievements that match the PBIS initiative, not just for grades or attendance. These students are nominated by staff members. Students who are awarded this honor will have their picture posted in their learning lab, receive a student of the month pennant and certificate, and will be congratulated by administration. In addition, Tier 2 supports are being increased with the development of a Student Assistance Program (SAP) to increase student wellness with the implementation of a universal Mental Health and Wellness Screening in which students will be referred for additional evaluation, interventions, and supports.